Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Infectious Diseases And Its Effects On The Health Of Chickens
Introduction This written report will cover both infectious and non-infectious diseases and their effects on the health of chickens. Causes of each disease will be explained along with symptoms and clinical signs that may occur during the onset of disease. This report will explain the treatment and prevention for the diseases chosen and any management strategies in place to control the disease. Infectious Diseases Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) (Avian pneumoencephalitis) Newcastle Disease Virus is an infectious disease of poultry and fowl caused by the virus, ‘Paramyxovirus’ serotype 1 (Foster and Smith, 2017a); (Alexander, 2000). The severity of this virus depends on the susceptibility of the host and how virulent the virus is. Chickens†¦show more content†¦Treatment, Prevention and Control There is currently no treatment for Newcastle Disease Virus, however in some cases hyper-immune serum injections have been used on exposed birds that are not showing symptoms (Foster and Smith, 2017a) and antibiotics are occasionally given to prevent secondary infections (Jacob, 2015a). Due to NDV being highly contagious and severe it is classed as a notifiable disease, therefore any bird showing symptoms of this disease must be reported to the Animal and Plant Health Agency where action will be taken to prevent the disease from spreading (DEFRA, 2014b). Vaccinations can be administered to protect birds against clinical signs and decrease the risks of contracting the virus (CFSPH, 2016). Strict biosecurity practices and correct husbandry are also vital in the prevention of NDV, this includes the isolation of any outbreaks, disposal of any infected carcasses, thorough cleaning and disinfection (Beautyofbirds, 2017); (DEFRA, 2014a). Fowl Cholera (Avian Pasteurellosis) Fowl cholera is a contagious bacterial disease seen in captive and wild fowls caused by ‘Pasteurella multocida’ to which domestic poultry; such as chickens, are particularly susceptible (West, 1976b); (Christensen, 2016) causing high morbidity and mortality and bacteraemia (OIE, 2016). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Nuremberg Trials Free Essays
string(89) " Sauckel was involved in using 5 million laborers that were imported and forced to work\." Where Nazi officials judged fairly during the Nuremburg Trails that followed World War II? Twenty-four major political and military leaders of Nazi Germany, indicted for aggressive war, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Of the twenty-four twenty-one were taken into custody and put on trial; these were known as the Nuremberg Trials. These trials started on November 20th 1945 and were the first ever war crime tribunal. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuremberg Trials or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Trials were held by the Allied forces of World War II and were held in the city of Nuremberg in Bavaria Germany out of the Palace of Justice. Accusations placed against them were for their involvement in the Nazi Party during World War II. Nazi officials were judged unfairly during the Nuremburg Trails for a continent wide genocide that occurred within WWII and the world watched as Nazi officials got what they deserved. Lead by Adolf Hitler the Third Riech, the government in Germany at the time, adopted policies of aggressive war and persecuted minorities. Hitler started a Europe wide systematic killing of approximately six million Jews called the Holocaust. â€Å"Holocaust†is a word of Greek origin meaning â€Å"sacrifice by fire†. USHMM). The Nazis, who came into power in Germany in 1933, believed that Germans were the superior race and deemed all others inferior, mainly the Jews, and viewed them as a threat to the community. Nearly two out of three Jews that lived in Europe at the time lost their lives due to the systematic killing. (USHMM). After establishing concentration camps to detain political and p eople of importance in opposing forces, Germany’s SS and police officials detained Jews and other victims of ethnic and racial hatred in these camps. The idea was to concentrate and monitor the Jewish population and also to make later deportation of the Jews easier. These camps changed into labor camps and eventually assisted in the systematic killing. Germany invaded territories and began to expand early into Hitler’s reign, such as Czechoslovakia and Poland. After the victory in Poland, Germany began to make its way into Denmark, France, and many others making concentration camps along the way to assist in the genocide. One of the most infamous concentration camps was known as Auschwitz, based in Poland under the command of Rudolf Hoss. Auschwitz eventually became the largest Nazi camp and had an estimated total of over two million victims. The killing and building of concentration camps continue throughout 1941 and eventually become or were determined to be extermination camps. Germans begin experiments and other inhumane practices on prisoners which grows the tension throughout Europe. Towards the end of the war Nazi officials order liquidation of Jews in ghettos, a city locked down by German SS containing Jews, and in some camps, this meant the execution of the prisoners and workers. During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived â€Å"racial inferiority†: Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic people (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals (USHMM). During the final months of the war, SS guards moved camp prisoners by train or marches, often called â€Å"death marches,†to try to stop and prevent the Allied liberation of large numbers of prisoners. As Allied forces moved across Europe in a series of offensives against Germany, they began to encounter and liberate concentration camp prisoners, as well as prisoners en route by forced march from one camp to another. The marches continued until May 7, 1945, the day the German armed forces surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, many of the survivors found shelter in displaced persons camps administered by the Allied powers. Between 1948 and 1951, almost 700,000 Jews immigrated to Israel, including 136,000 Jewish displaced persons from Europe. Other Jewish DPs emigrated to the United States and other nations (USHMM). The twenty-two officials were being tried for aggressive war, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Herman Goring, the second highest ranking Nazi Official, he was the Commander of the Luftwaffe, Germany’s air force. Goering was perhaps the most influential person, next to Hitler, in the Nazi organization. He was one of only 12 Nazis elected to the Reichstag in 1928. He orchestrated the Reichstag fire on February 27, 1933 and, with Goebbels assistance, used the fire as a propaganda tool against the communists. In the mid-1930’s Goering was in charge of the â€Å"Aryanization†of Jewish property (JVL). Goring was sentenced to death but committed suicide the night before his execution with a cyanide capsule. Rudolf Hess served as Hitler’s deputy minister and was next in line if Goering should be unavailable for any reason. Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment. He served over 40 years of that sentence at Spandau Prison and committed suicide in 1987 at age 93 (JVL). Hans Frank, Governor-General of the general government in Poland during World War II, was sentenced to death. Under his administration the approximately 2. 5 million Jews in the occupied territories of Poland were exploited in slave labor. Also during his administration, the extermination camps in eastern Poland were constructed implemented (JVL). Wilhelm Frick, Hitler’s Minister of the Interior, was sentenced to death due to his significant role in the formation of Nazi racial laws. He was credited with the creation of Nuremberg Laws of 1935 and 1938; laws were intended to take away rights and privileges formerly allowed to Jews. However, Julius Streicher was non-military, he was not part of the planning process of the Holocaust, nor of the invasion of Poland or the Soviet Union. But his role in provoking the massacre of Jews was momentous enough; he was sentenced to death by hanging. Walther Funk, Hitler’s Minister of Economics and was head of the Reichsbank, which funded the economic planning for the war; he was sentenced to Life Imprisonment. Fritz Sauckel was a general for the allocation of labor. Sauckel was involved in using 5 million laborers that were imported and forced to work. You read "Nuremberg Trials" in category "Papers" He was charged with the solicitation of slave labor and sentenced to death by handing. Alfred Jodl was Chief of Operations for the German Army, he was charged with aggressive war for invasion of the Soviet Union and the destruction of Czechoslovakia. Martin Bormann was known to be uncivilized, ruthless, and brutal. His whereabouts were unconfirmed during the trials but he made such an impact that he was sentenced in absentia to death by hanging; his reputation was based on the expulsion of millions of Jews to Poland and the exploitation of Ukrainian women as slave labor. Going down the list we find Franz von Papen, Vice Chancellor of Germany, he supported views of Hitler but the prosecution had serious difficulties linking Papen to conspiracy to initiate an aggressive war. He was eventually one of the few that were acquitted. Joachim Von Ribbentrop had recommended and supported the deportation of Jews from France and Italy to the camps in the east and urged their extermination. Under cross-examination by the British assistant prosecutor, Ribbentrop admitted that he knew of Hitler’s intention to deport all Jews from German territories and that he assisted in that process. Ribbentrop was sentenced to death by hanging (JVL). The International Military Tribunal finished its work and handed down its verdicts on October 1, 1946, ironically, on the Jewish Day of Atonement. Of the 22 defendants, 11 were given the death penalty, 3 were acquitted, 3 were given life imprisonment and four were given imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years. Those sentenced to death were hanged at Spandau Prison on October 6, 1946. Those acquitted were placed in the inept de-Nazification program following the trial. Those who received prison sentences were sent to Spandau Prison. The death sentences were carried out 16 October 1946 by hanging using the standard drop method instead of long drop. The U. S. army denied claims that the drop length was too short which caused the condemned to die slowly from strangulation instead of quickly from a broken neck. But evidence remains that some of the condemned men died agonizingly slowly taking from between 14 minutes to choke to death to as longs as struggling for 28 minutes. The executioner was John C. Woods. The executions took place in the gymnasium of the court building which was demolished in 1983. In his closing remarks Robert Jackson, said â€Å"The reality is that in the long perspective of history the present century will not hold an admirable position, unless its second half is to redeem its first. These two-score years in the twentieth century will be recorded in the book of years as one of the most bloody in all annals. Two World Wars have left a legacy of dead which number more than all the armies engag ed in any way that made ancient or medieval history. No half-century ever witnessed slaughter on such a scale, such cruelties and inhumanities, such wholesale deportations of peoples into slavery, such annihilations of minorities. The terror of Torquemada pales before the Nazi Inquisition. These deeds are the overshadowing historical facts by which generations to come will remember this decade. If we cannot eliminate the causes and prevent the repetition of these barbaric events, it is not an irresponsible prophecy to say that this twentieth century may yet succeed in bringing the doom of civilization††(JVL). For most of the world, the Nuremberg Trials were a symbolic expression of outrage over the atrocities of the Nazi organization. Once done, however, it seems that the major concern was to put the whole matter in the past and forget it. To use Justice Jackson’s words, that we have eliminated â€Å"the causes†and laid the basis for preventing â€Å"the repetition of these barbaric events. †In words that might portray his view today, what happened was now in history books around the world, and if something like this ever did happen again we would have a basis to be able to punish them correctly and more effectively. Not only having the basis but also having this also as a deterrent to those in later generations who may try something like this again. The question if justice was actually served can be debated for centuries because of the amount of devastation the men were involved in. Two distinct punishments of history and justice during the examination and action of Nazi war crimes and crimes against humanity has been the theme of debate ever since the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal. This was particularly debatable, and more times than not it was poorly understood, by the role of historians in the trials of National Socialist perpetrators of genocide. Addressing this issue in its logical, practical and real-world scopes, even though the objectives were similar, a comparative analysis demonstrates that both law and justice benefited from this interaction. Assuming that the humanities and injustices were served correctly and done so in a civilized manor, which in my views it was, but I believe it almost wasn’t enough. The Nazi officials had no problem knowingly and publicly displaying their views to the entire world and were not afraid during war time. Once war was over and they were at the mercy of the world they publicly embarrassed, the officials knew nothing of the plans or how they were executed, almost like they were never involved. Said best by Henry David Thoreau, â€Å"It is not a man’s duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous wrong; he may still properly have other concerns to encourage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and, if he gives it no thought longer, not to give him practically his support. If I devote myself to other pursuits and contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man’s shoulders†(RWLA). In other words, as a man, he has the knowing ability to dedicate himself to what he wishes; it was the Nazi official’s choice to stand with Hitler and support his ideas. Maybe some were afraid of death if they didn’t comply but as a man it is his obligation to own up to it and not blame the views of Hitler of his actions. The action and paths these men picked put them down a dark road and they paid for it. Millions of people exterminated to support one mad man’s views, and when all was said and done and defeat was admitted no one wanted to admit the monstrosities they assisted in. James Fenimore Cooper’s The Slaughter of the Pigeons, Cooper talks about the sport of killing pigeons becoming more for business and less for sport. â€Å"This expident produced the desired effect , for every urchin on the ground went industriously to work to wring the necks of the wounded birds. Judge Temple retired towards his dwelling with that kind of feeling that many a man has experienced before him, who discovers, after the excitement of the moment has passed, that he has purchased pleasure at the price of misery to others. Horses were loaded with the dead; and ,after this first burst of sporting, the shooting of pigeons became a business, for the remainder of the season, more in proportion to the wants of the people. I liked this excerpt especially because I believe as it was almost written with the Nuremburg Trials in mind. Pigeons can be interchanged with those killed during the Holocaust. To an extent, the killing and â€Å"purification†went on for so long that it, at least in my eyes, became a business for many of these officials. With the world watching, 22 defendants, 11 were given the death penalty, 3 were acquitted, 3 were given life imprisonment and four were given imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years. Nazi officials had no problem expressively and openly displaying their views to the entire world and were not afraid during war time but once war was over and they were at the mercy of the world they publicly embarrassed, and they were treated fairly and got their just deserts, maybe not enough sprinkles. Works Cited De Nevers, Renee. â€Å"Modernizing the Geneva Conventions. †The Washington Quarterly 29. 2 (2006): 99-113. Project MUSE. Web. http://ezproxy. middlesexcc. edu:2748/journals/washington_quarterly/v029/29. 2denevers. html. Haberer, E. â€Å"History and Justice: Paradigms of the Prosecution of Nazi Crimes. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 19. 3 (2005): 487-519. Project MUSE. Web. http://ezproxy. middlesexcc. edu:2748/. James, Missy, and Alan Merickel. Reading Literature and Writing Argument. Boston: Longman, 2011. Print. Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience 245-259 James, Missy, and Alan Merickel. Reading Literature and Writing Argument. Boston: Longman, 2011. Pri nt. James Fenimore Cooper, The Slaughter of the Pigeons. 277-283 Prusin, Alexander V. â€Å"Poland’s Nuremberg. †The Seven Court Cases of the Supreme National Tribunal, 1946-1948 24. 1 (2010): n. pag. Project How to cite Nuremberg Trials, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Asian Literature Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Question: Discuss about theAsian Literaturefor Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Answer: Introduction This assignment strives to provide a comparison and contrast between two selected texts, which are the "Funny Boy" by Shyam Selvadurai and "The joy Luck club" by Amy Tan. With the help of multi-section compositions, the "Funny Boy" portrays the clashes of cultural values and The joy Luck club depicts the challenges involved in cultural transition, the issues associated with immigrant identity, control over individuals destiny and so on. A thesis statement would be set that control the matter under discussion and summarizes the core concept of the selected texts. An inherent bond exists and carries forward from one generation to another, irrespective of cultural and generational conflicts, which is well interpreted in the context of storytelling. Throughout the text of The joy Luck club various narrators arbitrated on their helplessness to translate the sentiments and ideas during cultural transition. The partial understanding of the cultures of the daughters and mothers are obliged to their deficient language understanding. Also, the hindrances, which exist between the daughters and mothers, are sometimes because of their inefficiency to communicate with each other. Daughters know few Chinese words and mothers have very little knowledge on English that made their communication difficult and requires translation. However, problems have been faced while accepted and intended meaning are changed that in turn leads to misunderstanding. Many characters make sacrifices for their love towards their parents and children. The selflessness devotion conveys the bond between child and parent. Generational, linguistic and cultural gulfs are repeatedly weakened but it is also proved that the bond is not destroyed (Rogers and Meltzoff). Th is further shows that irrespective of the cultural barriers, children and parent bond strongly exists. It is mentioned in The joy Luck club that storytelling is a way of controlling individuals fate. It has created a place to barter stories. With hardship and pain, Suyun, a female character wanted to control her life. This indicates that the text not only served as distraction, but also facilitated the transformation of support, love, circumstance and community. Stories act to supportsense of sovereignty, a mode of relinquishing individuals identity and obtaining autonomy. Caren Schnur Neile and David Novak (2013) have mentioned that storytelling among the indigenous culture is passed in a relaxing and quiet environment orally that coincide with official events, like ceremonial practices, rituals and tribal or family community gathering. This is sometimes considered as a way of correcting undesired behavior of the children. At some point, individual characters have conveyed their anxiety over their inefficiency to settle Chinese heritage considering the American surroundings. They expressed anxiety over their cultural identity. A very similar concept has been explained by Shyam Selvadurai in his text the "Funny Boy", which demonstrated constant cultural conflict between Singhalese and Tamils take place in Sri Lanka. Selvadurai expressed about emotional strength of the adolescents. He sometimes feels out of place as his approach towards life varied greatly from the individuals surrounding him. Similar to The joy Luck club, Selvadurai demonstrated how contradictory cultural beliefs could give rise to estrangement and confusion (Tan). The "Funny Boy" explored the subject of homosexuality during early childhood, which is perceptive, emotive and articulates from the heart. Arjie, the character, tolerates bigotry, understands that he is homosexual and expresses his intolerance towards homosexuality (Selvadura i). Complex thoughts if compromise, love and hate senses affect the childhood to a greater extent. Arjie inhabited the symbolic role of a bride. This shows that he is free to admit him as going beyond the restrictions of self and excel to another more beautiful and more brilliant self. The text in the form of storytelling conveyed a message to the readers that there is no language of sexuality, but only neutral and idealized forms. Arjies understanding that he does not belong to either girls or the boys world and caught between these two was a precursor of further recognition of homosexuality that again instilling the moral values of the character. This could exist as same or vary from one culture to another. Davis (2014) in this context have mentioned that more insight towards gender, biological sex, sexual orientation and gender identity enables individuals to relate oneself with other people. Problems with immigrant identity are major focus in English literature because while individuals migrate from one culture or geographical area to another, they bear their expressions and knowledge of anguish along with them (Ferguson). Upon settling down, their original cultural identity is on the verge of change, which stimulates an extent of belonging. They try to settle down by biculturalism or assimilation (Grzymala-Kazlowska). Cultural identity can alter over time as the behavior and belief of people or group may change (Maxwell). Acknowledging breadth of cultural uniqueness is significant to any effort made in order to go beyond the racism that in turn gives rise to an understanding among the diverse cultural groups. The "Funny Boy" is an eye-opener of culturally suitable gender roles and civil strife, which prepares a simple and innocent child to experience boisterous situations in later life. The joy Luck club comprises interwoven stories regarding conflicts between immigrant mothers from China and American-raised daughters and thereby, reflects the cultural clashes. Individual mother-daughter pair put great effort to deal with generational and cultural differences. To the daughters their mothers are overbearing, threatening and old-fashioned. Sequentially, their mothers infuriated that their daughters have poor understanding of culture, satisfaction in simple jobs and attitudes towards men. This shows that individual daughter and mother understand each others perspectives. Cultural identity is significant as it helps individuals to preserve history and create a milieu where individuals feel they fit in. Cultural identity is stimulated by elements like social class, ancestry, family, educationa l level, political opinions and so on. While The joy Luck club focuses onto cultural clashes, the Funny Boy emphasizes on the different perception and understanding of gender and sexuality. Both the selected texts contain small plots based on what the authors have expressed various concerns associated with cultural clashes, immigrant identity, sexism, and so on. But in the present context, storytelling could be a common theme derived from the two selected texts. References Caren Schnur Neile, and David Novak. "Toward a Methodology of Storytelling Performance Criticism".Storytelling, Self, Society9.1 (2013): 129. Davis, Terri M. "Psychology Education Can Foster Exploration and Knowledge of Religion, Spirituality, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Diversity.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity1.2 (2014): 106-108. Ferguson, Susan J.Race, Gender, Sexuality, Social Class. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2013. Print. Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. "Social Anchoring: Immigrant Identity, Security And Integration Reconnected?".Sociology(2015). Maxwell, R. "Occupations, National Identity, and Immigrant Integration".Comparative Political Studies(2016). Rogers, Leoandra Onnie and Andrew N. Meltzoff. "Is Gender More Important And Meaningful Than Race? An Analysis Of Racial And Gender Identity Among Black, White, And Mixed-Race Children.".Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology(2016). Selvadurai, Shyam.Funny Boy. 1997. Tan, Amy.The Joy Luck Club. New York: Putnam's, 1989.
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