Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Human Cloning- for Heavens Sake! essays

Human Cloning- for Heavens Sake! essays Cloning has literally crossed the limits of exploitation of nature, by the human race. For centuries man has been producing, so called solutions to the problems it has, which in turn produce even greater problems. Cloning is one of the them. The most important reason for getting so much help in terms of funds and fame is that its a process of making an identical clone of a person, which really excites the people. I still dont get it how the act of making a clone of a person is ever going to benefit the human race problems. Just because it is a great bio-technological advancement, it is seen as boon to human life. From the scientific point of view cloning is not a simple process as it is portrayed. Till date human cloning is still in its infancy. Loads of research is done first on animals for experimenting the process of cloning. And once the scientists start the experimentation would produce abnormal and dysfunctional clones. The news of cloning of the sheep; Dolly was flashed across the papers like a miracle occurred. But the news of the number of abnormal and dysfunctional clones the scientists produced in the process was totally concealed. Unless cloning is banned, any lay scientist or quack would go ahead with the cloning process and even might produce totally different kind of virus. The kind and variety of viruses that are released in the atmosphere has increased since man started such advancements; especially bio-technical advancement. Talking about human ethics, cloning totally degrades the laws of nature. Cloning is totally stealing the right of nature to produce life with a right balance. The past has taught man a lot of lessons like the production of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. These advancements were made even when their terrible effects were known. But still the scientists went ahead with it and now the present generation has to deal with the after effects. ...

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