Monday, August 24, 2020
Redundancy in New Zealand: Procedural Fairness and Remedies
Excess in New Zealand: Procedural Fairness and Remedies ArJun Sree Raman Title of the investigation Repetition in New Zealand: Procedural Fairness, Substantive Grounds, and Remedies. Presentation Repetition has become an ordinary piece of authoritative life, scientists are foreseeing that both the rate and the degree of occupation misfortunes through excess are probably going to proceed with well into the twenty first century (for example Appelbaum and Donia, 2001a; Cascio, 2002; Dawkins et al., 1999). For the most part redundancies inside an association happen when there is a decrease in organization income as well as work accessible or the organization is hoping to rebuild and smooth out the association (Wooden, 1988). In these conditions the worker may find that their position is surplus to the companys prerequisites or requirements. Accordingly, the association or manager will report to the worker or representatives influenced that their agreements will be ended as their positions will not exist anymore. Excess in New Zealand  In the New Zealand Employment Law Guide (Rudman, 2014) the Labor Relations Act 1987 characterizes excess as a circumstance where a specialists business is fired by the business, the end being inferable, entirely or principally, to the way that the position filled by that laborer is, or will become, unnecessary to the requirements of the business. In this way, it is simply the position that is settled on repetitive and the choice to make a position excess ought to have nothing to do with the specific representative who is filling that position. Redundancies must be for certifiable business reasons and not for some other underlining reasons, for example, capacity or execution issues. Repetition is recognized inside New Zealands business relations framework, all things considered in numerous nations. Nonetheless, as opposed to most of remote purviews, progressive governments in New Zealand have chosen not to classify the law identifying with repetition and give conclusive insurance to workers who face an excess circumstance (Hughes, 2011). Venn (2009) gives an examination other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations, featured New Zealands negligible security for representatives in circumstances including repetition. Specifically, Venn stressed New Zealands insignificant spread in mass excess circumstances. The accompanying figure plainly delineates the restricted security in connection to the next OECD nations. Figure 1: Strictness of Employment Protection OECD Countries (Venn, 2009) Impacts of Redundancy  From an authoritative point of view, the financial results of excess are available to discuss (Cascio, 1993; Ryan and Macky, 1998) however it is generally perceived that for the individual, repetition can prompt a wide scope of negative results. Repetition is much of the time related with decreased mental prosperity, while long haul joblessness can prompt physiological decay (Leana and Ivancevich, 1987). As Wooden (1988) remarks: The worry about repetition originates from the observation that activity misfortune includes considerable monetary and mental expenses for the unfavorably a㠯⠬â‚ ¬ected specialist and their family. The specialist made excess should quickly manage the stun of employment misfortune. For instance, repetition has been found to affect on representatives as far as loss of confidence, brought down hierarchical duty, withdrawal practices, for example, non-appearance and expanded turnover, loss of inspiration, doubt, vulnerability and instability (for example Brockner, 1988; Brockner, Grover and DeWitt, 1992; Dolan and Belout, 2000; Koslowski et al., 1993; Latack, 1990; ONeill and Lenn, 1995; Worrall, Campbell and Cooper, 2000). Waters (2007) concentrate on intentional and in-willful excess shows the various perspectives and musings representatives are feeling with regards to repetition. Repetition can have genuine ramifications for those it has happened to and can be an amazingly troublesome time during the whole procedure. Representatives dread for the future and duties they have outside of their working life. Bosses should let the rest of the representatives express their annoyance or disappointment and illuminate them that it is totally ordinary to communicate their emotions. Burke (2008) explores the impacts of repetition during a solid economy and low joblessness rates. Burke says that the quantity of individuals encountering repetition is shockingly high. This can come as a stun and be hard for workers who have been with a business for a generous number of years as they are out of nowhere back in the activity showcase. Searching for a vocation after such huge numbers of long periods of working and rivaling a huge number of other people who have additionally lost their positions can be horrible. As indicated by Burke, Being caused repetitive to can have comparative enthusiastic impacts to deprivation. Individuals despite everything see a disgrace appended to being caused repetitive and would to feel humiliated or mortified about being in the circumstance. Excess likewise brings about a scope of negative monetary results, including interference to work and vocation ways, loss of salary, and possibly à ¯Ã¢ ¬Ã¢ nancial hardship (especially where it is trailed by an all-encompassing time of joblessness). Ewart and Harcourt (2000) evaluated the impacts of a mass repetition at a New Zealand carrier on a gathering of 139 ground stewards in August, 1991. Discoveries show that the ground stewards post-cutback income have declined almost 40% by 1996, from $50-55,000 to $30-35,000. This was a serious decrease than that recorded in many examinations, in which income misfortunes of 10 to 20% were increasingly normal and 5 to 10% were not bizarre. Ewart and Harcourt recognized the essential driver to be the non-transferrable profoundly explicit preparing and work encounters to the carrier business. Moreover, ground stewards additionally communicated significant sentiments of harshness post-excess as 94% of the respondents felt that the organizati on had dealt with the excusals improperly. The individuals who stay after a time of excess are known as the survivors and are frequently depicted as su㠯⠬â‚ ¬ering from survivor infection (Noer, 1993) or survivor condition (Appelbaum and Donia, 2001a, 2001b; Brockner, 1988). Noer (1993) de㠯⠬â nes survivor ailment as a term that portrays the mentalities, sentiments, and observations that happen in workers who stay after automatic sta㠯⠬â‚ ¬ decreases. Survivors may display a scope of feelings including dread, frailty, vulnerability, disappointment, disdain, outrage, trouble, melancholy, blame, shamefulness, disloyalty and doubt (Noer, 1996). Repetition impacts further on the person through changes to the mental agreement. Rousseau (1995) noticed that, repetition and rebuilding have forced on laborers business courses of action they didn't pick. She proposes that the mental agreement, which the worker initially acknowledged, changes as associations rebuild and à ¯Ã¢ ¬Ã¢ nds better approaches for gettin g things done. During the time spent change, occupations are adjusted yet workers don't hesitate to renegotiate the agreement. Research Questions The examination questions proposed beneath are the crucial center of this repetition study. It centers around factors inside the excess, for example, procedural decency, meaningful grounds, and cure. The examination questions are as per the following: What exactly degree do businesses follow procedural decency? What exactly degree do bosses have considerable reason for repetition? In circumstances where businesses neglect to follow procedural decency and considerable grounds, what are the cures offered to the representative? Low spending aircrafts | Analysis Low spending aircrafts | Analysis Ryan Air Europes First low planned carrier. Ryan air was established in 1985 by the Ryan family head by Tony Ryan. To give planned traveler carrier benefits among Ireland and the UK. Ryan Air Europe first Low-Fares, No-Frills bearer, offer a point to guide administration toward client that was the primary European minimal effort Airline in Airline Industry. Ryan Air was a full assistance customary carrier, with two classes of seating, renting three distinct sorts of Aircraft. Ryan air Airlines depends on the model of southwest aircrafts. Another supervisory crew, drove by Michael OLeary. In 1997 organization was drifted in an IPO on the Dublin Stock Exchange and on NASDAQ. (Gerry Johnson, et al, 2008) Statement of purpose of Ryan Air: Ryan air will become Europes most lucrative aircrafts through its adage Low-cost-bearer, nitty gritty administrations in all market which Ryan air works. Ryan air Objectives: To set up Ryan air as Europes driving Low-Cost aircraft through proceeded with progress and offering of minimal effort spending cost. Ryanair Business Model Ryanair plan of action depends on Southwest Airlines, the profoundly fruitful Texas based administrator. Be that as it may, Ryanair was affected by the money related troubles in 1990 which required a total rebuild and new plan of action is framed. In 1991, CEO Michael OLeary visited US Southwest Airline and separated their new procedure and plan of action from Southwests Low Cost authority model. Ryanairs Low Cost initiative model envelops a solitary traveler class, a solitary sort of plane, a straightforward admission plot, open seating, traveling to optional air terminals, quick turnaround times, no free comforts, least things recompense, representatives working in numerous jobs, and age of auxiliary income( Baker, 2006). Investigation fortify and shortcoming of Ryanair Quality: System of Ryan air is Marketing-solid marking and notoriety of item. Ryanairs forceful valuing methodology makes them unique in relation to other Airline organizations in Europe. Low costing of tickets because of air terminal administrator bargains. A greatest bit of leeway of Ryanair is Reputation as First Biggest Budget Airline in Europes. Fundamental quality given to Ryanair by media through free film to individuals from different Controversial issues made in flight and because of the extreme choice made by CEO Micha
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflective Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Intelligent Report - Essay Example something and that the business they decide to give will be compensated by an association that really pays special mind to their own wellbeing. Simultaneously, the assets that any given business needs to send are restricted. All things considered, it is similarly significant that they see all that they can about any individual provider or business in their endeavors to smooth out expenses, and expand introduction and benefit. It is striking to consider the innovation that is accessible today to satisfy the expanding need for information. This has a lot to do with the day by day activities of a business, as clients need and require information rapidly and without any problem. They want the business to be open to them, on their footing, and at their own aptitude level. I currently better comprehend the idea of my potential in any future business attempt. The characteristic goal and reason behind this idea is to build up an approach to sort out and absorb information in an easy to use way that both representative and client can profit by. This is more difficult than one might expect, yet the way toward creating client and brand dependability is in question here. Through this experience, I have taken in the idea of client information the executives and its different parts. From a business viewpoint, a working information on all the client inside an association enables an organization to remain serious both locally and universally. It is obvious that clients are no longer by limited by physical and topographical area. It is frequently similarly as simple to work with an organization a few mainlands away for what it's worth to connect with a business directly down the road. In light of this reality, organizations have started to treat client information the executives forms with recharge force and excitement (Borges, 2007). This procedure likewise implies that business today have opened up their entryways across outskirts and they, themselves, are not, at this point essentially contracted to existence. Information, whenever outfit appropriately, empowers a business
Monday, July 20, 2020
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, city (1990 pop. 281,140), seat of El Paso co., central Colo., on Monument and Fountain creeks, at the foot of Pikes Peak ; inc. 1886. It is a year-round resort and a booming military, technological, and commercial city. Electronic, computer, mining, and aerospace manufactures are important economically. The town of El Dorado (later Colorado City) was founded on Fountain Creek by gold miners in 1859. In 1871, Gen. William Palmer and the Denver and Rio Grande RR established the city of Fountain Colony nearby; the modern name was adopted because of the many mineral springs in the area. Colorado Springs absorbed Colorado City in 1917. The city grew enormously in the late 20th cent. The seat of Colorado College, a Univ. of Colorado branch, and Nazarene Bible College, Colorado Springs is also the site of a U.S. Olympic training center and the headquarters of Pike National Forest. The United States Air Force Academy is just north; also nearby are U.S. Fort Carson, Pet erson Air Force Base, and Cheyenne Mountain. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Universal School Based Violence Prevention Programs
Universal school-based violence prevention programs represent an important means of reducing violent and aggressive behavior as found by Hahn et al (2007) in their study about the United States. The findings by Durlak et al (2011) from a meta-analysis of school-based, universal social and emotional learning (SEL) programs involving pupils from kindergarten through high school, have also added to the growing empirical evidence regarding the positive impact of SEL programs on improved social and emotional skills, attitudes, and behavior. In addition, macro-strategies through appropriate legislations (like those protecting against discriminatory practices and safeguarding basic human rights), policy formulation, and resource allocation mechanism can address major socioeconomic and environmental determinants of mental health (WHO 2005). Macro-Strategies deal with policies of improving nutrition, housing, access to education, strengthening of community networks, and taking policy actions against additive substances (WHO 2005). 4. Interventions in promoting healthy development environment for children There is a general consensus that a life course approach to preventing mental disorders is the most effective policy that recognizes that there are key developmental stages and transition points, healthy start in the early years is of foundational importance. The following sub-sections deal with evidence-based early childhood programs widely practiced in countries. 4.1Show MoreRelatedChild Co Workers : An Overview1259 Words  | 6 Pagescrowd, peer pressure, and bad role models. There are programs that help youth changes the way they think and help them make the right choices. These programs are also designed to help with the rate of juvenile activity. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Tutankhamuns Tomb - 935 Words
Since being one of the most intact monuments of Ancient Egypt, the finding of Tutankhamuns tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is believed to be the utmost significant archaeological discoveries of the century. The treasures found were stored in the following parts of the tomb the Antechamber Annex, and then the Burial Chamber and Treasury. The Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife. The customs and beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians called for the preservation of the body and extensive provisions for the after-life which were buried with them in the tomb. These treasures were seen as a continuation of the life of the Pharaoh before his death. It was therefore seen as essential that the favourite items belonging to King Tut would be buried†¦show more content†¦The shrine of Tutankhamun uncovers the burial customs of the New Kingdom Egyptians. The Canopic Shrine positioned on the east wall of the Treasury holds Tutankhamuns embalmed internal organs. A gold chest held four Canopi c jars containing the dead pharaohs internal organs in each jar. Undoubtedly, through the process of mummification, the embalmers must have removed the internal organs and preserved them in the Canopic jars, perhaps to be taken with the pharaoh to the next world. The third and innermost of three coffins of Tutankhamun is made of solid gold and is inset with semiprecious stones and coloured glass. It is covered with carved decorations and inscriptions inside and outside. It bears the names and epitaph of the deceased king and also protective texts. From this we discover the significance of the importance of the decoration of the mummy was, and the power the coffin was believed to hold. Originally, mummification was so expensive that it was a privilege enjoyed only by the Pharaoh and few nobles. Everybody else was given a simple grave burial in one of the vast cemeteries or necropolises of the time. But the promise of eternal life was so appealing that it wasnt long before other clas ses of Egyptians began signing up for mummification, too. Strong religious and spiritual believes is shown through the Anubis shrine. It is associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife. The AnubisShow MoreRelatedThe Excavation and Discovery of Tutankhamuns Tomb Essay870 Words  | 4 PagesThe excavation and discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb was as a result of the efforts of the Archaeologist Howard Carter and his team. Carter’s discovery of the tomb came by finding steps to the burial near the entrance to the tomb Ramses VI. The subsequent excavated of the site by Carter and his team revealed the greatest ever treasure found from an Egyptian tomb and showed the existence of Tutankhamun. Carter’s methodology for the excavation was that of maintaining records for each artefact and thatRead MoreExplain the Archaeological/Written Evidence of the Uniqueness of Tutankhamun’s Tomb in the Eighteenth Dynasty.1264 Words  | 6 Pagesof Tutankhamun’s tomb in t he Eighteenth Dynasty. Tutankhamun was an Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh whose legacy extends to the present, and currently one of the best-known ancient Egyptians of all-time. The â€Å"Boy King†inherited the throne at the age of nine, his reign lasting only ten years before his sudden unexpected death. The traditional burial customs and funeral processions were carried out upon him, but the tomb he was laid to rest in was unique from the typical Eighteenth Dynasty tombs characterisedRead MoreExplain What Tutankhamun’s Tomb and Its Contents Reveal About the Role of a New Kingdom Pharaoh1609 Words  | 7 Pagesevidence: Explain what Tutankhamun’s tomb and its contents reveal about the role of a New Kingdom Pharaoh. 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Through the discovery and analysis of these items, historians and archaeologists alike have been ableRead MoreThe Death Of The Egyptian King Tutankhamun1013 Words  | 5 Pageshis death was because of assassination. There are many books and articles based on the research of King Tutankhamun’s assassination. I reviewed many scholarly sources that describe the life of King Tutankhamun as well as the discovery of his tomb. King Tutankhamun ruled over the land of Egypt as pharaoh. He is known as the boy-king, and for the lavish grave goods that were discovered in his tomb. King Tutankhamun was the last pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty before his sudden untimely death, dueRead MoreEssay on King Tut991 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscovery of his tomb and his treasures. King Tut’s tomb was a major discovery of the 19th century. It was a phenomenal discovery that made headlines across the world. 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There have been theories of murder, leprosyRead MoreThe Fascination Regarding the Mummys Curse705 Words  | 3 PagesIn 1922, Howard Carter opened the Tomb of Tutankhamun and sparked a wave of popular and scholarly interest in Egyptology. After the Carter discovery, a team of archaeologists an d their assistants arrived for the proper dig. Although Carter fared fine, six of the 26 members of the subsequent dig died within a decade of their participation in the endeavor. The leader of the archaeological expedition, Lord Carnaveron, died of blood poisoning. Because quite a few of the team members died within a relativelyRead MoreKing Tutankhamun1035 Words  | 5 Pageswith the capital being Memphis near current day Cairo. The reason I chose to write a research paper on King Tut is because he is one of the most well known pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun is most well known only by the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. King Tut was born in 1343 B.C. into the 18th Dynasty. Early in his life Tutankaten meaning the Living Image of the Aten changed his name to the well-known Tutankamun meaning Living Image of Amun. Read MoreEssay on King Tutankhamun and His Treasures1385 Words  | 6 Pagesinto wanting to learn more. One of the most important and unique Egyptian artworks belongs to King Tutankhamun, a young pharaoh of Egypt. A brief history of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb and the importance and beauty of certain pieces found in his tomb, will be discussed in this essay. King Tutankhamun’s tomb was the prize that archaeologist Howard Carter sought out for in the Valley of the Kings. Carter was running out of time and also the Earl of Carnarvon’s patience. Disappointed for years
Numerous genetic and environmental factors contribute Free Essays
string(203) " far as creativity is concerned, perhaps due to the greater intellectual emphasis the first born male gets, as a child having only adult companionship in the family, until the birth of the second child\." Oldest sisters or baby brothers are more than simple labels on the family tree. Psychologists say that birth order affects all aspects of a child’s personality. Birth order is defined as a person’s rank by age among his or her brothers and sisters. We will write a custom essay sample on Numerous genetic and environmental factors contribute or any similar topic only for you Order Now A great deal of research has been devoted to the phenomena of birth order and how it impacts children within a family. Many differences in the behavior of siblings have been attributed to birth order. â€Å"Such differences range from general expressions of achievement to more specific behaviors including tendencies toward entrepreneurship, attainment of higher education and eminent occupational status, endorsement of unconventional ideas, and leadership of scientific revolutions, to name only a few. (Claxton, 1994) Birth order is not alone in the development of children’s personality traits. Numerous genetic and environmental factors contribute to differences among siblings. The different socialization patterns that children experience, based on birth order, can result in overt personality and behavior trait differences between firstborns and later-borns. (Claxton, 1994) Studies have related birth order to personality, intelligence, and vocational tendencies. Firstborns tend to be socialized by adults, where later-borns, have progressively more opportunity to be exposed to the socializing influences of older siblings. Adult-socialized firstborns are sometimes assumed to be more achievement oriented. Later-borns, experiencing a greater proportion of socialization are often characterized as more popular, more accepting of risk, and more independent of authority than firstborns. Such socialization differentials suggest qualitative differences between firstborns and later-borns in terms of behavioral and personality characteristics. (Claxton, 1994) Firstborns have a greater tendency than later-borns to be conformist and oriented toward authority and responsibility. As a special type of firstborn, only children tend to be highly motivated, self-confident, and achievement oriented. Only children are believed to be more accustomed to dealing with adults than are other birth positions. In contrast to firstborns, middle-borns have been generally described in terms of relatively greater orientation toward peers, group cooperation, and other social activities. The middle birth positions are often considered the most difficult, in part because middle-borns may receive less individual attention from parents. (Seff, 1993) Middle children may compensate by developing many non-parental relationships. Middle-borns often have excellent people skills and are good listeners, mediators, and negotiators, perhaps because they must navigate through a world of siblings who are both older and younger. A family’s last born child is often believed to be favored by parents. Last-borns have been characterized as being especially vivacious and fun. (Claxton, 1994) Children in different ordinal positions experience different socialization environments. Interaction with both parents and other siblings is affected by one’s position in the sibling order. Firstborns tend to receive more parental attention, in terms of both support and control. They are also more likely to be given responsibility and control over younger siblings and to have higher expectations associated with their own performance. Children who report that they spent time teaching younger siblings had higher levels of reading and language achievement themselves. Such socialization experiences are the basis for the expectation or the perception that firstborns are more dependable, responsible, cautious, conservative, and have higher achievement motivation than later born children. (Parrot, 1992) The distinctive feature of the position of younger children in the birth order is that they are subject to more child-level interaction and are typically subordinate to the oldest child. Younger children (with the possible exception of the last born) receive less attention from parents, less encouragement, less responsibility, and lower expectations and have a harder time carving out a distinct niche for themselves in the family system. These tendencies are, of course, attenuated by a number of factors, including the number of siblings, the sex composition of the sibling order, and the spacing between positions. (Carter, et. al. , 2002) Firstborns may become conservative in their outlooks. Later-born children develop strategies of survival that may entail risk-taking and daring behavior. These differences in competitive strategies can generate personality differences across birth orders, and have lifelong implications. (Carter, et. al. , 2002) Part of the unique family environment is birth order. Although genetically related, siblings differ in age, experience, and in reproductive value to their parents. Differences between siblings growing up together can be magnified by contrast effects. First-borns tend to be more extraverted and conscientious but less emotionally stable, agreeable, or open than are later-borns. (Revelle, 1995) Some variables are believed to affect the above descriptions. For instance, if there are several years between the first and second child, the second child will have some characteristics of a firstborn. Or, if the firstborn is a girl and the second a boy, the son will have some first-born characteristics because he is the family’s first male offspring. Further, if there are more than four years between siblings, the next born takes on the traits of the oldest or first born. Sibling deaths, adoptions and blended families can also upset the traditional birth order. (Revelle, 1995) Studies have shown that while first-borns males may be more creative, the opposite is true for females, with later-borns being the highest in creativity. Test scores demonstrate that the highest creativity are found among first born males and later born females. According to Eisenman, it may be that first-born males receive greater intellectual stimulation in their family and this predisposes them to be high in achievement and creativity. While the first-born female may receive the same sort of intellectual stimulation, she may be restricted by both her birth order and gender. It is believed that that parents tend to be more restrictive toward their first child, and toward females in general. The first-born female may be exposed to a higher level of parental anxiety and also more restrictive parenting styles, because of being female. This is thought to inhibit creativity in first-born females and reduce the risk taking behavior often associated with creativity. â€Å"The first born male would also be inhibited somewhat by the overly strong parental concern, but overcomes this as far as creativity is concerned, perhaps due to the greater intellectual emphasis the first born male gets, as a child having only adult companionship in the family, until the birth of the second child. You read "Numerous genetic and environmental factors contribute" in category "Papers" †(Boling, et. al. , 1993) Parents may be more aggressive with their approach to the first male child to achieve intellectually and academically. The first-born female seems to be over-socialized by parents, in response to their fear for the welfare of the female child. As a family grows, parents typically loosen up some of their controls, on both male and female children. The first-born female learns responsibility, usually in socially typical roles, having to care for her younger siblings. She may achieve well in intellectual and academic pursuits. But, the over-socialization may make her less likely than later born females to take risk, and thus may decrease creativity in the first-born female. (Eisenman, 2001) Birth order has been shown to have an effect on vocational tendencies as well. Firstborns’ are shown to that require mechanical, technical, clerical or business system competencies, or toward positions that require leadership or persuasive skills. They may value economic and political achievement, their own as well as that of others. Firstborns are less likely to seek occupations which promote artistic, musical, dramatic, and literary interests, or involve a high degree of human and interpersonal relations activities. The later-borns gravitate towards vocation that are investigative, social, and artistic. â€Å"They would gravitate toward occupations that would utilize their scientific and mathematical abilities, promote their artistic, musical, dramatic, or literary interests, or involve interpersonal and human relations activities. Further, they are less apt to value political and economic achievements and more apt to value scientific, social, and artistic achievements. †(Lynch, 1980) Kevin Leman, author of The New Birth Order, notes in his book that 23 of America’s 41 presidents were first-born or â€Å"functional first-born,†meaning the first male child. So were 21 of the first 23 astronauts the United States sent into space (the other two were only children). A much greater proportion of first-born end up in professions such as science, medicine and law, occupations that require analytical skills and hard-driving personalities. He also notes that an unusual number of comedians – such as Billy Crystal, Eddie Murphy, Drew Carey, Martin Short, Jim Carrey and Leslie Nielsen – are babies of their families, â€Å"funny people who got away with murder as kids,†he says. (Stewart, 1999) There are some theorists who propose that as families have gotten smaller, test scores have risen, because the intellect is higher. â€Å"SAT scores will continue to rise for the rest of the century. When today’s 4-year-olds take the SAT 14 years from now, the average score will be even higher than it was in 1963 when the 40-point decline began. But then scores will probably begin to drop again. You see, after 1980, the birth rate began to rise and family size seems to be increasing. †(Hall, 1986) This belief is based upon confluence theory, proposing that because the intellectual development of a family is like a river with the inputs of each family member flowing into it. Tests, which indicate intelligence, are dependent heavily on verbal ability. Then imagine the intellectual environment as providing a pool of words to the growing child. Adults contribute a large vocabulary to the pool and babies contribute nothing. The pool of words surrounding the only child at age 5 is different from the pool surrounding the second-born child of the same age who has a 7-year-old sibling. As families get larger, children’s intellectual development suffers, and the effect is accentuated by birth order, the more older siblings a person has, the lower his or her intellectual level because of the decrease within the family intellectual environment. (Hall, 1986) There are many additional factors that can influence intelligence. If there are higher numbers of adults present in a child’s daily life, as in an extended family, this may have an impact on verbal ability as well. Works Cited Claxton, R. P. (1994). Empirical Relationships between Birth Order and Two Types of Parental Feedback. The Psychological Record, 44(4), 475+. Retrieved November 29, 2006, from Questia database: http://questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5001709131 Hall, E. (1986, February). Mining New Gold from Old Research; He Reworks Past Discoveries, Looking for Basic Behavioral Processes That Are as Fundamental as Biological Processes. Psychology Today, 20, 46+. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5001684098 Parrott, L. (1992). Earliest Recollections and Birth Order: Two Adlerian Exercises. Teaching of Psychology, 19(1), 40-42. Retrieved November 29, 2006, from Questia database: http://questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=77521729 Revelle, W. (1995). Personality Processes. 295+. Retrieved November 29, 2006, from Questia database: http://questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5000271333 Seff, M. A. , Gecas, V. , Frey, J. H. (1993). Birth Order, Self-Concept, and Participation in Dangerous Sports. Journal of Psychology, 127(2), 221-232. Retrieved November 29, 2006, from Questia database: http://questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=76932964 Steelman, L. C. , Powell, B. , Werum, R. , Carter, S. (2002). Reconsidering the Effects of Sibling Configuration: Recent Advances and Challenges. 243+. Retrieved November 29, 2006, from Questia database: http://questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5000598111 Stewart, M. (1999, December 7). Order of Birth: Are Our Children Predestined to Be Serious First-Borns, Loyal Middles and Affectionate Babies. The Washington Times, p. 1. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5001846400 Boling, S. E. , Boling, J. L. , Eisenman, R. (1993). Creativity and Birth Order/sex Differences in Children. Education, 114(2), 224+. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5000254689 Eisenman, R. (2001). Creativity, Risk Taking Sex Differences, and Birth Order. 189+. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=5000944906 Lynch, R. M. , Lynch, J. (1980). Birth Order and Vocational Preference. Journal of Experimental Education, 49(1), 15-18. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=95189117 Newman, J. , Pettinger, J. , Evan, J. B. (1995). â€Å"My Big Sister the Town Supervisor†: Family Leadership Training Is Not Just for Boys. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 33(1-2), 121+. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from Questia database: How to cite Numerous genetic and environmental factors contribute, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Marketing Management Portakabin Limited
Executive Summary This paper reports on the research about marketing management that was done on the Portakabin Limited which is a company that deals in the designing and delivery of modular buildings. The company deals in heavy products. The first part of the report is the introduction which gives a brief explanation of marketing management and the relevance of marketing management in the organization.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Management Portakabin Limited specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It emphasizes on the need for excellent marketing management in order to boost sales for the company products. The report gives the general information and further narrows down the information to the marketing aspects. The paper reports on how the company operates in the competitive marketing environment. The focus is on the means that the company uses in differentiating its products from the products of other firms that produce similar goods. It also highlights the major markets of the company. The paper explains the strategies and tactics that the organization uses to maintain a good position in the market. The paper reports on different aspects of marketing management exercises that are applied in the marketing operations of the firm. These practices include the purpose of marketing management as applied to the company. Under this part, it is reported that the company employs innovation in its products and services as one of the means of attracting customers and increasing sales. The different marketing segments that the company uses are discussed in the report. The main marketing segments are education, manufacturing and customer health. Marketing research in the achievement of marketing objectives, thus this paper reports on the types and methods of marketing research used by Portakabin. The company uses both primary and secondary marketing research. Marketing research is used in th e assessment and analysis of the needs of customers. Marketing mix product is used by the company thus the report explains how the company applies the marketing mix product in improving marketing. Lastly the paper reports on marketing promotion as a component of marketing and how the company conducts its promotional activities.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Introduction The management of marketing functions is an important duty for all business organizations. Organizations craft their marketing activities differently in respect to the line of products and services that are associated with the organization (Thomas, 2006). Nonetheless, Kearney, 1994, observes that the marketing activities borrow from the same principles that apply to marketing. When a business firm deals in various services and products, the marketing functions of the organization are likely to become incre asingly diverse. Marketing forms an important pillar of a company. This can be looked at form the sense that no organization will be able to sustain its activities if it has no customers. If the goods and or services of a company are not gaining marketing access – they are not being bought, then the organization will not get money to pay its employees and to pump into the production process so that more goods are produced (Loudon, Stevens and Wrenn, 2004). Companies whose marketing functions are weak end up shutting down their operations as they cannot sustain their operations. Organizations may have very high initial capital when they begin their operations and produce so many goods using the initial capital. However, the production of the goods might fail to be followed by good plans of marketing. Thus, in such a case, the goods will remain in store. Therefore, the organization will not generate revenue to sustain the production of products and services. In this case, a cri sis will be eminent in the company (Kotler and Kotler, 2009). Good marketing management increases the sale of the company’s products and services. More often than not, the performance of a company is measured by the amount of sales it has made. High sales will mean that the firm is operating on a profit while low will indicate that the firm may be operating on a loss or minimal profits (Cant, 2006). Marketing Management – The Case Study of Portakabin Limited For organizations to acquire and maintain or sustain customers, quality of goods has to given paramount attention. Customers will continue to enjoy the products of the firm only if the products meet their levels of utility.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Management Portakabin Limited specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If a product meets the tastes and preferences of customers, it means that customer values the quality of that product. The marketing mission of the company is focused on the provision of high quality buildings to the customers (Saxena, 2009). The construction industry was the original market Portakabin Limited. The portable buildings produced by the company were used for storage and accommodation at construction sites. The company later came to diversify its products – buildings which in the current times include medical centers, offices and even schools. The company embraced diversity, and this enabled it to establish two main markets within the building sector. The company produces single and modular buildings. The modular are of a permanent quality as they are made of steel and thus can be used in constructing buildings of different sizes and shapes. Such buildings are framed in the factory and are carried to the field to be erected from there. Such kinds of buildings are used for the construction of call centers, schools and big offices. Single module buildings are used in the constructi on of smaller buildings, for example, toilets, offices, bathrooms and storage units. There are several companies that deal in the same products; therefore, Portakabin operates in a very competitive business environment. The only way that the company has survived in the competitive market is through ensuring that it satisfies the needs of its customers as a way of maintaining them. Also, the company practices product differentiation. This enables their customers to differentiate between its services and products and those coming from other firms. Two major marketing strategies are used by the company to help it maintain a leading position in the market. The company searches for new customers and gives exceptional services to its existing customers as a way of attracting and retaining them. Purpose of Marketing Organizations have realized the value of customers hence every organization takes customer loyalty with a lot of seriousness. Organizations continuously devices marketing strat egies all in the name of guarding the loyalty those customers have to the firm and its products.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This stresses the importance and perhaps the major role of marketing in for any company. Quite a big percentage of organizational resources go into the marketing function (Layton, 2011). Marketing aims at understanding the behavior of the customers of the company. The behaviors of customers have been identified using different marketing strategies. Therefore, it becomes easy to manage the customers and satisfy them through the products and services that are offered to them. In a general sense, marketing aims at acquiring and maintaining customers. No business can exist without customers. The main purpose of any business is to create customers. Marketing management mostly differentiates a business firm from another through advertising and other tools of marketing (Leventhal, 2005). Marketing is known to uplift the competitive advantage of business organizations. True competitiveness is attained when a firm commits itself to marketing. This can be achieved by observing a number of mar keting actions relating to focus on the customers. When a firm planning its marketing activities, it must ensure that it puts its customers at the center of the activities. It is good to be aware of the customers that a business targets. Some businesses target corporate customers while others target individual customers. An understanding of the customer needs follows once the company has identified its customers. After the needs of customers are known, the organization can then efficiently provide products and services aimed to improve on the value that the company can give to the customer. Customers value a company through the taste that they derive from consuming goods or services that they buy from the company (Kotler, 2000). After the company has identified and attended to the needs of the customer, it has to handle another task which is knowledge of competition. The identification of the competitors is the first step here. The competitors which are firms that either produces si milar products or products that complement what a firm produce – complementary products. The firm must try to outline their strengths and weakness after identifying the competitors. These must be well understood. The marketing strategies of competitors and their capabilities have also to be understood. This information is what the company will use to make strategies of handling competition. Firms do capitalize on the weakness of their competitors in wooing customers to their side. Therefore, they adjust their strategies relative to the strategies of firms that are giving them stiff competition in the market. Market orientation tends to enhance the overall performance of the company and raises the value and image of the company to its customers. It should be put in mind that marketing is not an independent function; it has to be coordinated with other business functions of the organization (McDonald, 2011). The last action that is taken to enhance competitive advantage is mark et orientation. Market orientation, also known as market positioning, refers to how the business characterizes itself in the eye of customers. This is achieved through the products and services offered to customers. Market orientation and positioning is what gives the real image and impression to the customers. When a company has achieved a good image in the eyes of its customers, the marketing function becomes self sustainable. This is because customers will no longer need to be sensitized on products as they have known the quality of the products and have programmed it in their minds (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2012). Marketing Research Marketing research can be defined as a systemic and objective search and the analyzing of the searched information which relates to identifying and offering a solution to the problems in marketing. Marketing research follows a certain order and more so the broad objectives of the company that is conducting research. This calls for market research pla nning just as it is applied in other objective researches. Market research plan ensures that all the details of the research are captured in all stages of research (McDaniel and Gates, 1998). Before the marketing strategies are devised, it is good to conduct research in order to develop strategies that tackle the real issues. There are different methods of conducting marketing research. The major types of research that are used in marketing are primary research and secondary research. Market research, for any company, does not bring solutions to the marketing dilemma. However, it forms a basis upon which marketing strategies and decisions can be made by the marketing managers. The marketing research plan entails the marketing problem that is to be addressed by the research, the information that is vital in solving that problem, information gathering methods and tools and the analysis techniques that are supposed to be utilized in analyzing the information collected (Blankenship and Breen, 1993). It is very important to maintain objectivity whenever marketing research is being conducted. This will give the managers confidence to plan to use the results and findings from the research. Therefore, marketing research employs scientific methods of research. Scientific research moderates all personal prejudices, opinions or biases into hypotheses that are later tasted in an empirical way. It also pays attention to alternative considerations and explanations of different situations (Carson, 2001). Marketing research can help a company to be far-sighted because the company can discover future opportunities for investment and development. Therefore, the company engages in tailor-making their products to fit the customers’ needs or develop suggested products. Marketing research can help a business to know the level of completion that they have. When a firm wants to develop a new product that will enhance its competitiveness, it should undertake market research. Ma rket research acts as a scale of gauging the attention that the new product will bring to the market. Also, it gauges the effect that the product will have on the competitiveness of the company. Marketing research also assists in budgetary decisions. Through marketing research, a firm knows the amount of market investment that should be done. Therefore, budgeting for marketing improvement becomes easier (Zikmund and Babin, 2007). In our case, Portakabin conducts marketing research. The company uses both primary and secondary researches to identify the needs of their customers. Primary research refers to the first research to be conducted. In conducting primary research, the company uses different methods and tools for collection and analysis of data. Focused group discussions and interviews are examples of tools to be used in gathering data. The company uses these tools because they give out good qualitative data which is embedded in the opinions, views and commends. The company org anized for and held focused group discussions with their customers. From the focused group discussion, they were able to note that their customers needed buildings that allowed more light in as such buildings were likely to increase productivity. From these findings, the company came up with the new buildings – Ultima Vision range. These buildings captured the need of customers as they allow significant light via its increased window space. Most organizations prefer primary marketing research as it gives a true picture of the needs of customers. Primary research is quite practical as it reaches a sample of customers who give their views and observations openly and directly. Primary research collects up-to-date opinions and information. Therefore, it is more reliable in making conclusions and plans for future marketing activities for a firm than the secondary research. The major disadvantage of this method is in respect to the consumption of resources. This is because the meth od makes use of significant resources and time that eats into the planning and the implementation of the research. Nonetheless, most people argue that the cost as and expenses of primary market research are justified as its payoff comes in the quality of results that come out of the research and its application in the formulation of marketing strategies (Wiid and Diggines, 2009). Secondary research makes use of the information or data that have already been collected and published otherwise known as secondary data. The secondary data may avail quantitative data on the market or industry. These data are often portrayed inform of statistics. The brand vision research that was conducted in the year 2009 showed the value of â€Å"on time and budget†delivery. During the same year, the company was able to deliver 99.6 percent on time as well as on budget. The data compared well with the statistics from the construction industry which showed that the industry had 59 percent on time delivery and 47 percent on budget delivery (Capon and Hulbert, 2007). Secondary research saves on time and financial expenses as it derives inferences from recorded information. The available marketing data is compared and analyzed from which recommendations are made and used in devising marketing strategies for the firm. However, this method has a number of disadvantages. The method makes a lot of assumptions. It ignores those rapid changes that are common phenomena of the modern markets. The changes that take place in the market may have rendered the recorded information useless when applied to the current or prevailing market. The use of secondary data may not give the desired marketing solution as it only focuses on data and not the situation under which that data was collected, analyzed and utilized (Lacobucci and Churchill, 2010). Portakabin Limited utilizes marketing research in finding out new products and services that customers require. It was also found out that the comp any uses ad hoc research that focuses on certain marketing projects. The company has been able to deliver data cabling services to its customers by using ad hoc research. The data cabling services that come with the new building designs provide telephone systems, air conditioning systems and computer access points. These new buildings are more efficient as they allow for immediate use by customers. The market research in the company attends to two Key Performance Indicators. These indicators are Net Promoter Score and customer satisfaction. The company uses two thousand customer surveys each year in finding out whether their customers are impressed with the products and the issues that are affecting them. Customers are asked to rate the company on a 1:10 scale on marketing aspects for instance product delivery and installation and administration. From the surveys that the company has been doing for quite some time from the year 2003, the rating improved from 8:1 in the year 2003 to a 9:1rating in the year 2009. Also, Portakabin makes use of misery shopping. In this method, the researchers of the company do pose as customers. The results that were obtained from mystery shopping showed that the customers of the company are pleased with the human skills possessed by the staff of the company. These skills include professionalism, courtesy, building rapport and customer aiding among others. The Application of the Marketing Mix Product The marketing mix is a marketing strategy that has gained a wide usage in the recent times. The strategy brings out a combination of elements that are seen as being essential in attaining effective marketing. The marketing mix assists in the determination of the unique selling point of a product in the market. It is the uniqueness of the products that differentiate a product from the products of other companies. Marketing mix carries four Ps’ which signify product, price, promotion and place. The handling of these elements is a rgued to be the determinant of the success of marketing management by an organization. In other scenarios, the number of these elements is increased by the addition of people, process and physical evidence. However, most managers stick to the first four elements. Marketing mix ensures that satisfaction of both the customer needs and objectives of the company. The marketing mix offers a good formula that is utilized in combining marketing and sales functions f a firm (Papantoniou, 1992). The first important element in the marketing mix is the product. For any company to make tremendous growth, it must ensure that the customers’ demands and needs are met through the products or services offered. The firm must define the features of its products and services and ensure that these features tally with the expectations of those who will consume them – customers (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2009). The customer’s purchasing power revolves around preference in marketing man agement. This gives leeway to the other element of the marketing mix product, which is the price. The prices that firm attach to their products should be competitive. The prices that are set on the products of your firm must be relative to the prices of goods similar goods from other firms. Prices have the same degree of importance just like the product themselves. The pricing strategy should be developed which will ensure that the company set competitive prices on its commodities. When the prices are set too high, the company stands to lose its clients who will go for cheaper for cheaper products. On the other side, when the company sets too low prices as a way of attracting customers, it is bound to make losses (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2009). A marketing function cannot attain maximum success when it is not accompanied by promotions. Promotion includes advertisement, selling, application f public relations and sales promotions. When all these are factored in the marketing process , excellent results are more likely to come out of the process. The last product in the marketing mix is the place of distribution. Distribution goes with advertising. Places where the products can be distributed include the internet, at the site of the company and home based business (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2009). In the marketing mix elements, Portakabin adds Positioning. Positioning has close links with the unique selling point of the firm. The company has positioned its brand at the ceiling of the market. The company has a customer charter that assures customers of timely delivery of buildings. Promotional activities help in converting the prospective customers into real customers. According to research, it takes quite a repetitive and consistent effort to covert prospects into real customers. Conclusion Marketing management is abroad area of business management which entails market planning. A lot goes into market planning. Market research must be done that will provide a viv id scenario regarding how to craft effective strategies before devising proper strategies of marketing. Different strategies are used in marketing management among them the marketing mix strategy. Reference list Blankenship, AB and Breen, GE 1993, State-of-the-art marketing research, American Marketing Association, Chicago, Ill. Cant, MC 2006, Marketing management, Juta, Cape Town, South Africa. Capon, N and Hulbert, JM 2007, Managing marketing in the 21st century: Developing and implementing the market strategy, Wessex Inc., Bronxville, N.Y. Carson, D 2001, Qualitative marketing research, SAGE, London. Kearney, RE 1994, Marketing Management: A Simple Quiz to Help Your Company Master Marketing. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 11(2), 55 – 57. Kotler, P 2000, Marketing management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. Kotler, P and Kotler, P 2009, Marketing management, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Harlow, England. Lacobucci, D and Churchill, GA 2010, Marketing research: Methodological fo undations, South-Western, Mason, OH. Lamb, CW, Hair, JF and McDaniel, CD 2009. Marketing. South-Western Cengage Learning. Mason, Ohio. Lamb, CW, Hair, JF and McDaniel, CD 2012, Essentials of marketing, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio. Layton, RA 2011, Marketing: is management all that there is? Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 3(2), 194 – 213. Leventhal, RC 2005, The importance of marketing. Strategic Direction, 21(6), 3-4. Loudon, DL, Stevens, RE and Wrenn, B 2004, Marketing Management: Text and Cases, The Haworth Press, London. McDaniel, C and Gates, RH 1998, Marketing research essentials, South-Western College Pub., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDonald, M 2011, Marketing plans: How to prepare them, how to use them, Wiley, Chichester. Papantoniou, PC 1992, Marketing, P.A.S.S. Publications, New York. Saxena, R 2009, Marketing management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. Thomas, MJ 2006, The malpractice of marketing management. Marketing Intelligence Planning, 24(2 ), 96 – 101. Wiid, J and Diggines, C 2009, Marketing research. Juta, Lansdowne, Cape Town. Zikmund, WG and Babin, BJ 2007, Exploring marketing research, Thomson/South-Western, Australia This report on Marketing Management Portakabin Limited was written and submitted by user Keaton Durham to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Attitudes of women from the mid-nineteenth century essays
Attitudes of women from the mid-nineteenth century essays There are several factors that influenced the change in the behaviors and attitudes of women from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Among these reasons is the economy escalating, Hollywood was created, and women began working and becoming more educated. During the Victorian era, people in the United States were very conservative in all aspects of life. The key element of the Victorian formula was moral autonomy, which is the control over one's instincts. The man would go out and work to support his family. While the wife would stay home and take care of the house and raise the children. Sexual activity was not performed for pleasure, only for pro-creation. They were also very involved with their community progress as well as national. They were not concerned with materialistic ideals or individual consumption. In fact, they combined religion, politics, work and home into one whole ideal. As the nineteenth century came to a close, the economy was growing due to corporations forming everywhere. As a direct result of corporate order, people received better wages and more free time. Incomes per capita rose from $231 to $793 annually between 1897 and 1921. With the extra income, people began to consume more personal goods. Husbands began to purchase more clothes, furniture, personal care items, cars, and applications as well as recreational services for themselves as well as their wives. In fact, personal consumption nearly tripled between 1901 and 1929. Another correlation to the increase in consumption was less time with the community and more time enjoying the personal goods that they purchased. People were indulging themselves into personal goods. Private life was now separated from personal concerns. Hollywood was created in the early 1900's. This changed the views of marriage and relationships of the U.S. citizens forever. Couples would see movies of beautiful people who were never arguing and always h ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter A
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter A Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter A used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Chemistry Abbreviations: A A: AtomAA: Acetic AcidAA: Amino AcidAA: Atomic Absorption spectroscopyAACC: American Association for Clinical ChemistryAADC: Amino Acid DeCarboxylaseAADC: Aromatic L-Amino acid DeCarboxylaseAAS: Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyAB: Acid-BaseAB: Acid BathABC: Atomic, Biological, ChemicalABCC: Advanced Biomedical Computing CenterABCC: American Board of Clinical ChemistryABS: Acrylonitrile Butadiene StyreneABS: AbsorbABV: Alcohol By VolumeABW: Alcohol By WeightAc: ActiniumAC: Aromatic CarbonACC: American Chemical CouncilACE: AcetateACS: American Chemical SocietyADP: Adenosine DiPhosphateAE: Activation EnergyAE: Atomic EmissionAE: Acid EquivalentAFS: Atomic Fluorescence SpectroscopyAg: SilverAH: Aryl HydrocarbonAHA: Alpha Hydroxy AcidAl: AluminumALDH: ALdehyde DeHydrogenaseAm: AmericiumAM: Atomic MassAMP: Adenosine MonoPhosphateAMU: Atomic Mass UnitAN: Ammonium NitrateANSI: American National Standards InstituteAO: Aqueous OxygenAO: Aldehyde OxidaseAPI: Aromatic PolyImideAR: Analytical Reage nt Ar: ArgonAs: ArsenicAS: Ammonium SulfateASA: AcetylSalicylic AcidASP: ASParateAT: Adenine and ThymineAT: Alkaline TransitionAt: AstatineAT NO: Atomic NumberATP: Adenosine TriPhosphateATP: Ambient Temperature PressureAu: GoldAW: Atomic Weight
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Gangs & gang behavior - week 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gangs & gang behavior - week 8 - Essay Example The founder of the gang was a member of Hispanic gang, who was properly oriented and influence by gang warfare. They adhere to the essence of brotherhood, for it is something that could provide them the protection they deserve while they are incarcerated. It is undeniably true that the gang has been largely affected or influenced by Hispanic culture, because of the orientation of its founder. The founder was a Hispanic, adhering to the principles and cultural beliefs of the Hispanic culture. However, as time goes by, the gang has become home to individuals or members coming from diverse culture. However, each member has the chance to tolerate the set culture for the group. As stated, the gang was instituted by Hispanic prisoners. The inception of this group was made possible within the four walls of the correction centre that has become home to thousands of inmates of varying criminal records. As time goes by, the gang has been known as the Mexican Mafia, which split into two groups, the other is adhering to the old philosophy of the gang and the other one considers the group as the New Mexican Mafia. The Mexican Mafia, a Hispanic gang, adheres to the value of alliance, due to the existing rivals with other gangs. This is solely for the purpose of protecting the members from other rivals. The gang has important rules to follow. Homosexuality, snitching, cowardly, fighting among members, disrespecting, stealing and interfering are not acceptable to them. There is no formal constitution within the gang, but for as long as the set rules are met, they are all well with their prevailing system. So far, there is no any hint that the gang are blood in and blood out. In fact, as already stated, there were two prevailing groups for the Mexican Mafia. The new existing gang to separate from the original group has given the chance to choose the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Emotional intelligent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Emotional intelligent - Essay Example The last part will highlight proper practices toward enhancing the emotional intelligence of the employees in the company. The article entitled What is Emotional Intelligence? formally defined emotional intelligence or EI as â€Å"Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth†(Mayer 1). Firstly, the ability-based model is hinged on the assumption that emotions serve as a medium of information that is helpful in social environments and in social relationships. Since not all individuals share the same capabilities on the processing of emotional information, this model presents three common types of emotional abilities: (1) emotional perception highlights the person’s ability to recognize and understand his and other people’s emotions through verbal and non-verbal forms of communication; (2) emotional use banks on the capacity to use emotions to undertake other cognitive abilities; and (3) emotional management looks at the ability to self-regulate emotions of oneself and of other (MTD 23). In all of these models, it can be claimed that studying people’s personal and social competencies is crucial in assessing the overall status of their emotional intelligence. These two realms of EI have been used as guide in coming up with an in-depth examination of EI (Dattner 3). In a research document entitled The Emotional Competence Framework, personal competency has been discussed as a combination of: (1) self awareness that stresses on emotional awareness, accurate self-assessment, and self-confidence; (2) self regulation that underscores self control, conscientiousness, adaptability, and innovativeness; and (3)
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Nanotechnology: Immortality Or Total Annihilation? :: essays research papers
Technology has evolved from ideals once seen as unbelievable to common everyday instruments. Computers that used to occupy an entire room are now the size of notebooks. The human race has always pushed for technological advances working at the most efficient level, perhaps, the molecular level. The developments and progress in artificial intelligence and molecular technology have spawned a new form of technology; Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology could give the human race eternal life, or it could cause total annihilation. The idea of nanotech was conceived by a man named K. Eric Drexler (Stix 94), which he defines as "Technology based on the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules to build structures to complex atomic specifications (Drexler, "Engines" 288)." The technology which Drexler speaks of will be undoubtedly small, in fact, nano- structures will only measure 100 nanometers, or a billionth of a meter (Stix 94). Being as small as they are, nanostructures require fine particles that can only be seen with the STM, or Scanning Tunneling Microscope (Dowie 4). Moreover the STM allows the scientists to not only see things at the molecular level, but it can pick up and move atoms as well (Port 128). Unfortunately the one device that is giving nanoscientists something to work with is also one of the many obstacles restricting the development of nanotech. The STM has been regarded as too big to ever produce nanotech structures (Port 128). Other scientists have stated that the manipulation of atoms, which nanotech relies on, ignores atomic reality. Atoms simply don't fit together in ways which nanotech intends to use them (Garfinkel 105). The problems plaguing the progress of nanotech has raised many questions among the scientific community concerning it's validity. The moving of atoms, the gathering of information, the restrictions of the STM, all restrict nanotech progress. And until these questions are answered, nanotech is regarded as silly (Stix 98). But the nanotech optimists are still out there. They contend that the progress made by a team at IBM who was able to write letters and draw pictures atom by atom actually began the birth of nanotech (Darling 49). These same people answer the scientific questions by replying that a breakthrough is not needed, rather the science gained must be applied (DuCharme 33). In fact, Drexler argues that the machines exist, trends are simply working on building better ones ("Unbounding" 24). Drexler continues by stating that the machines he spoke about in "Engines of Creation" published in 1986 should be
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Court Issues
The criminal justice system has changed tremendously over the decades and so has society. It is important that the court system make changes to keep up with the times. There are parts of the court system that need to be identified to have these changes occur. One of these areas is the way courts are managed including their problems and resolutions. A new trend that has emerged is victims’ rights. Victims can now intervene in the cases before sentencing. In the future, courts could lose cases to arbitration and mediation also known as the private sector of the courts. Understanding these changes and issues are important so that the courts can correspond with the trends as they occur. The courts are an important piece of the justice system. In order to meet the domains of the criminal justice system the courts evolve with the new processes and trends as they happen. Below the paragraphs will analyze and explore future management issues dealing with technological innovations and how the new technology is impacting the courts. Along with how victims’ rights are impacting the courts. One of the main issues that the courts are facing in the future is the possible division between the private law sector and the courts. The technological innovations also impacts the courts staff and judges. Current and future trends facing the courts and administrators One of the issues facing the court system today is judges are not able to see many cases because of their administrative role. Judges spend the majority of their time â€Å"papering budgets, scheduling cases, supervising employees, and maintaining court records†(Robinson, 2009, pg. 208, para 5). The courthouse employee’s work together getting cases dispensed as quickly as possible. Some of these cases are dismissed before even being seen because of how many cases there are. Many of the minor cases are plea bargained so that the more serious cases can be seen. In doing this the judges and the courts have more time to spend on the very serious cases such as murder cases. The court system has to make adjustments due to the many cases that they have coming through the courts and they would never caught up because of the fact that there are many people having run in with the law enforcement. Another problem that courts are facing today is the imbalance of power. In the courtroom today the prosecutors have more power because there are the ones that decide if there is going to be charges filed against someone. This means that if the prosecutor does not prosecute a case the judge and defense attorney will have no say in the outcome of that case. One former United States Attorney General has stated â€Å"the prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America†(Robinson, 2009, pg. 209, para 4). The power that the judges have has been reduced because of the changes in sentencing and rules. The mandatory sentencing laws has given prosecutors the increase power of prosecution control over cases and how they are disposed of. With the power that prosecutors have the justice system is being threatened. If the law was still equal the defense attorney would have the resources they need to help the defendant. The defense attorneys have heavy caseloads because they work for the government and their resources are limited that they can access. Issues and trends regarding language interpretation services Throughout the United States individuals rely on the court system to solve issues and controversies in their lives. Language barriers between an individual and the courts cause the process to get delayed because it causes communication and understanding problems. When a witness is on the stand testifying that speaks a different language that interpreters need to understand what the witness is saying so they can communicate their true meaning of their statement. The United States accepts many different immigrants and the way of communicating. One of the fundamental rights that the United States has is to recognize the important reason why immigrants come to the United States, â€Å"in our country’s belief in equal justice for all, but to have equal justice, every victim, every witness must understand what is happening in the courtroom†(Board of Directors, 2007, pg. 3, para 2). With the increasing population of immigrants that do not speak English is making it harder to accommodate for people because the courts have to make sure that the interpreter fully understands the language and can translate what the witness is saying. New York courts employ approximately 300 full and part time court interpreters, and 1,200 interpreters on the per diem bases, to provide services in over 100 languages†(Board of Directors, 2007, pg. 4, para 2). The multi-faceted type of communication makes it harder for interpreters in the courtrooms because of the words meaning different things in the different cultures in the Un ited States. An interpreter of the courts also needs to understand legal terminology and procedures of the cultural content that impacts all individuals involved in the case. Interpreters will succeed in their jobs if they can convey what the speaker is meaning to say without altering the expression or tone of the speaker. There are three types of interpreting, which are; consecutive, simultaneous, and sight. Consecutive interpreting is when the interpreter waits for a group of words to be spoken before they interpret what was said. Simultaneous is when the interpreter listens and interprets in a different language at the same time. The last is sight and this is when interpreters read one language and translates it aloud in another. Language interpretation services is a permanent component in the criminal justice system so that the constitutional rights requirements are meet for all individuals. Courts are now required to appoint an interpreter when defendants and witnesses do not speak English in a case. Impact that victim rights laws have on court proceedings (past, present, future) Thirty years ago, victims’ rights did not exist. The victims were not notified about the courts processing or if the case was dropped and the defendant was released. Today, every state has an extensive body of basic rights and protections for victims within its statutory code†(Office for Victims of Crime, 2013). Activists discussed amending the Constitution of the United States to recognize victims’ rights statutes in the criminal justice proceedings. It was not until 1982 that a President’s Task Force on victims of crime suggested for the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution to be amended so that victims are included in the judicial proceedings. California was the first state to adopt the constitutional amendment in 1982 and by the end of the 21 century 49 states passed the victims’ Bill of Rights and this gave victims benefits and options in their case. Two presidents supported the amendment of the constitution at the end of the 21st century. The amendment gave victims the right to receive information, protection, and restitution from the offender. This also gave the victim the right to express their views on sentencing, bail, and parole. Victims’ rights has come a long way sense the early 1970’s and will continue to change as it needs too. There are several issues facing the courts and courts administrators system today. The analysis above discussed these issues and give information to support the findings. The information of future management issues and trends regarding language interpretation was discussed in the analysis. The past, present, and future impact of victims’ rights laws on the court proceeding were discussed in detail.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Is The Ideal Source Of The Picture Of Reality
Though many believers will negate the important effect that their worldviews have on their lives, their worldviews function as a critical pivotal point by which they understand and relate to the rest of the world and by which they motivate themselves. Since humans unconsciously rely on past experience and knowledge to prompt their next move, a worldview provides a lens of understanding through which past perceptions reveal how to understand the present reality. However, many people like to turn their heads when it comes to acknowledging their worldview’s impact or changing a fault in their worldview. Unfortunately, these people are like someone who refuses to wear corrective lenses, and whose gaze is therefore obscured and his activities restricted. So it is with the person who does not seriously evaluate his worldview; he does not have a clear picture of reality. The Bible is the ideal source of the picture of reality. The Bible serves as the â€Å"corrective lens†that redirects our gaze in this marred world to our Creator and Savior. Because the Bible is the Word of G-d, Who is all-knowing and all-powerful, we can completely rely on it to direct our worldview (cf. Proverbs 30:5,6; Psalm 12:6). As we discover more about a truly Biblical worldview, our relationship to and responsibility in this world become clearer. To better explain this, we will use Romans 1-8 as a course to illustrate 1) the importance of conforming to a Biblical worldview, and 2) what that Biblical worldviewShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1438 Words  | 6 Pagesassert that Gatsby’s picture from the onset of the book is an ideal image of what he would want himself to be. Similarly, his conceptualization of Daisy is the ideal picture of what he would want her to be. It therefore follows that consideration of Gatsby as a great person is the ideal thought of him which in truth is not a reality. 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