Monday, March 2, 2020

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter A

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter A Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter A used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Chemistry Abbreviations: A A: AtomAA: Acetic AcidAA: Amino AcidAA: Atomic Absorption spectroscopyAACC: American Association for Clinical ChemistryAADC: Amino Acid DeCarboxylaseAADC: Aromatic L-Amino acid DeCarboxylaseAAS: Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyAB: Acid-BaseAB: Acid BathABC: Atomic, Biological, ChemicalABCC: Advanced Biomedical Computing CenterABCC: American Board of Clinical ChemistryABS: Acrylonitrile Butadiene StyreneABS: AbsorbABV: Alcohol By VolumeABW: Alcohol By WeightAc: ActiniumAC: Aromatic CarbonACC: American Chemical CouncilACE: AcetateACS: American Chemical SocietyADP: Adenosine DiPhosphateAE: Activation EnergyAE: Atomic EmissionAE: Acid EquivalentAFS: Atomic Fluorescence SpectroscopyAg: SilverAH: Aryl HydrocarbonAHA: Alpha Hydroxy AcidAl: AluminumALDH: ALdehyde DeHydrogenaseAm: AmericiumAM: Atomic MassAMP: Adenosine MonoPhosphateAMU: Atomic Mass UnitAN: Ammonium NitrateANSI: American National Standards InstituteAO: Aqueous OxygenAO: Aldehyde OxidaseAPI: Aromatic PolyImideAR: Analytical Reage nt Ar: ArgonAs: ArsenicAS: Ammonium SulfateASA: AcetylSalicylic AcidASP: ASParateAT: Adenine and ThymineAT: Alkaline TransitionAt: AstatineAT NO: Atomic NumberATP: Adenosine TriPhosphateATP: Ambient Temperature PressureAu: GoldAW: Atomic Weight

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